Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm still alive

I've been off my blog lately; just don't have the time or the ambition at this point. I had a great talk with Barbara today; she's doing well and reminds me that, even in adverse conditions, we can walk forward with faith.

I'm trying to finalize a few projects and get out of Dodge; heading for Las Vegas to see my niece turn 21. My brothers, two nieces, my cousin and I will all have a fine time, I'm sure. I'd rather choke on a bone than go to Vegas, but to see my family, well, it's worth it.

With the death of my parents, I felt like the last people who "got me" are gone. But then, I have my brothers, and I'm so grateful that at least they still "get" me. Last night my significant other reminded me, once again, of how selfish he perceives me. What can I say? He's probably right. I do have a pattern of picking people who find me lacking. This is about me, not them, so I'm determined to release others to their Higher good, and live my life authentically. I can only be who I am, no one else.

I'm looking forward, after Vegas, of meeting Meg in Houston, and a few other bloggers, I've heard, are going. That will be great. It's the gift of the Fellowship that's allowed me to plan to go to World a year ago and be able to follow through on that plan.

Life is short, so I've decided to be happy. I hope you are, too.

1 comment:

msb said...

Happy big party in Texas. Wish I could be there. Maybe next time. Take lots of pictures.