Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Missouri River

Here's a great pic of an old boat on the Missouri River which runs a mile from here. The water level is so low, a lot of interesting things are turning up. Have a great day!


Missouri River Relief said...

Hey dude.
Was just out on the Missouri River yesterday, and we saw the boat that you pictured on your blog.

I'm with an organization called Missouri River Relief. We organize river clean-ups all along the Missouri River. We just finished mapping trash on the Missouri River (dumpsites, appliances, abandoned boats). It was a 754 mile trip, divided into four parts. We just finished the mid-Missouri section, from Boonville to mile 135. That was the last piece, and now we're done!

We have a blog, too. (We are kind of behind on our entries).

Enjoy the amazing sandbars!

twodogsblogging said...

Ah, dudette. Thanks for the post!