Saturday, June 03, 2006

Doggie Diner

I never thought the name "Jeb Bush" would darken my blog, but here's a piece of legislation that (while stupid because why bother to legislate doggie dining, just let each restaurant owner decide) will have Florida dogs everywhere saying "hot diggity dog."

In a three-year pilot program (I didn't know dogs could fly, but then, Dog is my Copilot), dogs can dine outdoors with their masters if the restaurant owner agrees. Another clenched paw for doggies everywhere.

I went to Ecuador one summer with a good friend. We spent ten days there and while I was there, I got violently ill and lost about 15 pounds, although I still managed to enjoy myself. When we arrived at the Florida airport, I was so grateful to be back in the US that I just about kissed the ground.

The first thing we did in Miami when we got our rental car was tear down to Miami Beach to eat lunch. We wanted good ol' American food. We ordered giant hamburgers. Sitting on the floor by the next booth was a pit bull, who eyed my burger with red-eyed intent. I thought that was the coolest thing--a dog dining out with its master. And now, twelve years later, a Doggie Diner law.

This may go down as the best thing Jeb Bush has done in his governorship.

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